Tuesday, June 3

The crazy life of dogs...

So I came home from work one day and took the hounds out for a great walk, fed them a great dinner and then I took off to the gym while they rested from their long day of resting. I was gone for exactly ONE hour... and this is what I came home too....

Yes, that is my purse, COMPLETELY emptied on the floor! They managed to get the purse, then UNZIP it and then proceed to dump the entire contents out onto the floor AND pull cards from my wallet! thankfully they didn't really chew anything or eat my money. crazy dogs.

Here Jasmine stands with her "what? me?" look.

I took the dogs to a big park over the weekend and we did some trail hiking. We came upon a little swamp and the girls just HAD to get in and cool off. At first I was worried about snapping turtles and leeches but they didn't mind so I figured if there were any they would know soon enough! Here they are chilling in the black smelly mud.... afterwards they were taken to Muddy Paws Dog Wash and immediately cleaned!

Here are just a few random dog shots

" I should have been a Calvin Klein model."

" I'm gonna pump you up!"

"It's MY monkey! No, it's MY monkey."

"See? Told ya it was MY monkey!"
