Saturday, March 22

A day in the life of a salty dog....

The hounds have adjusted perfectly to marina life! They are relaxed on the boat and are comfortable walking around the marina. Everyone who walks by our boat at the dock is amazed to see them get on and off the boat! and everyone always stops and ask to see the sea hounds! They have made us lots of friends!

Here are a few pics of an average salty dog day:


Sandy and Jasmine love to play together! Here they are posing pretty for a picture...

then they get back to business!

The hounds are no strangers to boats of all shapes and sizes.... they are just big playgrounds! It's amazing to see them run under and around them like running an obstacle course....kinda scary sometimes....

They've even made a few friends! Here is their best bud Scupper. He lives on boat just a few boats down from us and they play together all the time! Scupper has to walk by our boat to get to his and he always stops to see if our kids are home!

Ever wonder how they get on and off the boat? Here is Sandy and Luke demonstrating their technique!

Jasmine chillin' out top deck.....

....and chillin' out on the dock. She LOVES to be outside soaking up the rays or just watching the world go by!

Sandy in her favorite place on the boat...

and here she is sitting oh so pretty in the cockpit!!

Greyhounds gone wild!!

(My hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps......)

Some snuggle time with Kevin.....

Some snuggle time with each other!

Here is one of my favorite pics of Sandy...
I think this really embodies everything she is as a greyhound...