Monday, May 21

Sandy Dandy, Dandy Sandy.....

A tribute to our sweet, sweet Sandy Girl......
She is such a beautiful dog. We are so glad she came into our lives. She is so sweet, sensitive and loving and everything that makes greyhounds great.

Unless she's chewing on a stick....

Or a rib bone!

She absolutely LOVES car rides! She wants to go every time anywhere! Even if we are just going to get the mail! She gets in settles down and relaxes! Every time we take her for a walk, the first thing she does when we get outside the gate is make a b-line for the van! Here she is snug as a bug on a long road trip to NY.

AND She ALWAYS gets the high ground!

Sandy is great with kids! Anyone that has seen her in a parade can testify to that! I wish we had some of the photos people have taken in the parades with her! She always has time to stop for a hug and a picture! Here she is on a walk with our nephew, Brandon.

Chillin' out with our nephew, Alec and his puppy dog Bandit.

"Luke, Does this coat make my butt look big?"


Enjoying the fun run at Greyhounds in Gettysburg!

Ahhhh...The world is my oyster! Last time in NY, we took them to a local high school football and track field that was fenced in and let them loose! Boy did they love it! The amazing thing is that until we coaxed them onto the astro turf, they just stayed on the track and ran round and round!

Her innocent "I didn't take the paper towels off the counter and chew them" look. (Don't let her fool you)

Now, Bandit. Listen up! If you wanna be a greyhound...

"Hey Jasmine, I'll race ya to the lobster!"

Retirement is great!
