Sunday, December 28

Yes, we are still alive!

I will be back to bloggin' soon.   Stay tuned for 4 months of updates!!!

Tuesday, June 3

The crazy life of dogs...

So I came home from work one day and took the hounds out for a great walk, fed them a great dinner and then I took off to the gym while they rested from their long day of resting. I was gone for exactly ONE hour... and this is what I came home too....

Yes, that is my purse, COMPLETELY emptied on the floor! They managed to get the purse, then UNZIP it and then proceed to dump the entire contents out onto the floor AND pull cards from my wallet! thankfully they didn't really chew anything or eat my money. crazy dogs.

Here Jasmine stands with her "what? me?" look.

I took the dogs to a big park over the weekend and we did some trail hiking. We came upon a little swamp and the girls just HAD to get in and cool off. At first I was worried about snapping turtles and leeches but they didn't mind so I figured if there were any they would know soon enough! Here they are chilling in the black smelly mud.... afterwards they were taken to Muddy Paws Dog Wash and immediately cleaned!

Here are just a few random dog shots

" I should have been a Calvin Klein model."

" I'm gonna pump you up!"

"It's MY monkey! No, it's MY monkey."

"See? Told ya it was MY monkey!"

Wednesday, April 30

Ooops! We did it again....

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have MOVED again!
Kevin went overseas for some work which now left me with the dogs full time on the boat. Kevin usually kept them during the week since he was so close to work and could come home and walk them at lunch and stuff. Now that he was gone, and the dogs would be with me, I knew it would be tough to commute 1 1/2 hours one way to Annapolis and then have to get home and take care of the dogs, feed them, feed me, workout and be in bed at a decent hour. I did that when we lived in Fredericksburg and it almost made me bonkers!!!! The dogs got fat, I got fat and they developed separation anxiety because they were at home alone for 13 hours a day. I never had any energy, I was eating terribly and felt like I was walking around like a zombie all week.

I couldn't do that to them, or me, again so I broke down and got an apartment close to work!

I can now come home for lunch and the dogs love the extra attention in the evenings that they would not have gotten! I also love not commuting and getting 3 hours of my life back everyday!

So here are our new digs....

Very sparse I know, but it is only temporary so I only brought the bare minimum out of storage. I don't even have a TV!

Here are the hounds getting used to their FOURTH home in the past year! They have been so good with our hectic life and have adjusted so well to everything! We are so lucky to have such great dogs like Luke, Sandy, and Jasmine!

I think their favorite part it getting there favorite couch back!

Not bad for an apartment but we all miss the boat!!
There is nothing like the peace and serenity that comes with living on the water.

The dogs miss their freedom of roaming from boat to boat, getting leftover bones from the weekend grillers and playing with all the other boat dogs. Now they are stuck on a little patch of grass outside the apartment with unfriendly neighbors and dogs. Besides, this place is a mansion compared to what we have been used to!! Good thing this is only for 3 months!

For those of you that do not know, I accepted a job transfer and am moving to Miami in Aug!!! Woohoo!!
We can't wait!!

....and the adventures of Luke, Sandy and Jasmine continue....

Tuesday, April 22

Love all... Serve all....

Jasmine, Luke and Sandy are volunteer blood donors. They have saved the lives of a dozen dogs already! Plus, as regular blood donors, they are automatically qualified for a blood transfusion should they need it. They also get free exams, free blood work and lots of yummy treats!

In case you didn't know, most greyhounds have a universal blood "type" that can be given to all dogs. Greyhound blood is very sought after! When the kids give blood, it is immediately dispatched all across the country to dogs in need. Just like human blood, dog blood can be given whole or broken down in to several components for whatever purpose is needed. The hounds can give blood every 5 weeks if required. we usually go about every 6 or 7 but will go in if there is a shortage or need. The blood blank loves that we have 3 greyhounds giving at one time!

I thought I would document a typical blood donation here for those that are curious, are thinking about it or just don't know anything about the procedure. The whole process actually only takes about 10-15 mins per dog. Some blood banks will even come to you if you set up a time for a large group at your house or something!
During the very first visit, the vet will take blood samples to type your dog and just generally get the dog familiar with the procedure. Since this is a volunteer thing, the dog must agree to lay calmly in the position required. They will not restrain a dog or give them any sedation meds to calm them. You will see the pics below of the vet assistant laying with the hounds and "holding them down." He is not restraining them at all, he is merely making sure they are still as possible for the procedure. if at any time the dog would start to resist and try to get up off the table, they would stop the procedure. Jasmine, Luke and Sandy all did wonderful in laying still throughout the procedure and doing whatever the vet asked of them. It was really great to see! The vet loves greyhounds as they are usually the easiest to deal with!
Here is Luke, Sandy and Jasmine demonstrating a typical donation session:
The vet will bring the dog in to the donation room and try to get the dog as comfortable as possible. She will give treats, pet them, etc, until she feels they are comfortable.
Once they are comfortable, the vet and the assistant will pick the dog up and place them on the donation table. This is the point where the start to judge if the dog is agreeable to the procedure.

If there is no struggle at this point, they will continue. The assistant then lays down with the dog to ensure they stay in position. When he lays his legs across the dog, they wait a few mins to see if there is any resistance. If the dog appears calm and still, they will continue.
The vet then shaves a little spot on the neck, sanitizes it with alcohol and inserts the needle.

The blood then flows in the same type of bag as in human blood donation. They usually take one unit of blood depending on weight. Jasmine is so tiny they only take 1/2 unit from her but Luke and Sandy are able to give a full unit.

Your dog can see you the whole time if you need them too. Luke and Sandy appeared to do fine when I was out of sight, but Jasmine started to whine. So for her I stayed right in front of her so she could see me. That is why I don't have many pictures of her. =)

After the procedure, they carefully take the dogs off the table and wrap their neck just in case there is any lingering bleeding. They also get lots more treats!!

Here they all are with the vet after their donation! The vet will explain any concerns and what to watch for over the next few hours. No hard running or other strenuous activity. I always laugh at the because I have never seen my dogs do anything remotely strenuous!

That's all there is to it! We are usually in and out within an hour! The hounds do great every time and I am proud of how good they are through it all!

For anyone considering blood donation with their dog I would HIGHLY recommend it! Blood donation is a great way to help other dogs and one day it could be your dog that is in need! Its quick, simple and virtually painless for the dogs. And they get a free exam each visit and free blood work once or twice a year! (depending on the bank) Ask your veterinarian for the blood bank nearest to you!!

Sunday, April 13

This little piggy went to the market.....

So I found these horribly disgusting things online and just knew I had to let the hounds try them.... PIGS FEET!! One full pigs foot, individually wrapped, freeze dried with bones and all. They grossed me out! You can still see the little toes! So I bought 3 and waited for them to arrive. Luke would have nothing to do with them but Sandy and Jasmine gave them 4 paws up!
Here are their reactions:
Sandy gave it a good sniff......

.......then a little lick.......

.....and then started to chow down! She had that thing destroyed within minutes!

Jasmine on the other hand, took one sniff.....

.....and dove right in! She had hers destroyed within SECONDS!!

A sure sign sometin's tasty!

Nose lickin' good!

If you think your hounds may like a pigs foot or two... just remember they make one crazy mess and the knuckle bones from the toes can end up in places you wouldn't imagine. All in all they were not a bad treat but not one to be had often......

Saturday, March 22

A day in the life of a salty dog....

The hounds have adjusted perfectly to marina life! They are relaxed on the boat and are comfortable walking around the marina. Everyone who walks by our boat at the dock is amazed to see them get on and off the boat! and everyone always stops and ask to see the sea hounds! They have made us lots of friends!

Here are a few pics of an average salty dog day:


Sandy and Jasmine love to play together! Here they are posing pretty for a picture...

then they get back to business!

The hounds are no strangers to boats of all shapes and sizes.... they are just big playgrounds! It's amazing to see them run under and around them like running an obstacle course....kinda scary sometimes....

They've even made a few friends! Here is their best bud Scupper. He lives on boat just a few boats down from us and they play together all the time! Scupper has to walk by our boat to get to his and he always stops to see if our kids are home!

Ever wonder how they get on and off the boat? Here is Sandy and Luke demonstrating their technique!

Jasmine chillin' out top deck.....

....and chillin' out on the dock. She LOVES to be outside soaking up the rays or just watching the world go by!

Sandy in her favorite place on the boat...

and here she is sitting oh so pretty in the cockpit!!

Greyhounds gone wild!!

(My hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps......)

Some snuggle time with Kevin.....

Some snuggle time with each other!

Here is one of my favorite pics of Sandy...
I think this really embodies everything she is as a greyhound...

Thursday, February 21

'Twas a dark and snowy night....

Annapolis got about 4 inches of snow in yesterday's snow storm! Snow is rough for a boat, as you basically have all this water just sitting on top of your boat! Places that have never leaked before my develop leaks as the snow just hangs around and melts.

But it sure is pretty.....

Here is what things looked like come morning......

my parting shot before I left for work......
