Saturday, June 30

Dogs are the same all over the world.....

Meet the A-Team:



Brown Dog



White Dog



And last but not least........

The Puppy!!!!

Just like dogs everywhere... all they want is a full belly and some love. They are great watch dogs and make the place feel more like home.

AAAAAHHHHHH! Stupid, Puppy!

GRRRRRR! Take that, Puppy!!!
But Shannon! He bit me first!

You can find a good cockroach anywhere!!!

Thursday, June 21

A change in life.....

Well we are thinking about it.... really considering it... and probably are going to do it.....

We may be going from this:

To This:

Yup, that's right folks! We are looking at leaving you land lubbers behind and taking to life on the open sea. (well.... maybe just the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay for now)

We have been contemplating for awhile about downsizing our life and have finally decided to do it. There are a few issues to iron out first but we are heading in that direction. If all goes well, we should have our house rented and living aboard our new boat by September. We are planning on docking up at the Capital Yacht Club in Washington, D.C.

And what do our 4-legged kids think of their impending new life style?

They're ecstatic.

We think they will do just fine! We are slowly introducing them to marinas and boats so they can get used to the normal noises of their new home. We don't want them freaking out on us the first time a horn blows! But for anyone who has greyhounds knows... we could go live in a cardboard box under a bridge and they would be happy as long as they were with us. We are sure they will have their sea legs in no time!

Stay tuned..... More updates to come!!!