Monday, April 9

A Birthday Bash!

My little sister and I share the same birthday month.... With the hectic schedules everyone has these days we decided to do a "joint" b-day get together so everyone only had to worry about getting together once instead of twice. So we called up all our family and friends and everyone came over to our house for the day! We had great weather, great food and a good time together. Kevin fired up the grill and we had BBQ ribs, hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad and all kinds of good stuff! We had a full house with 12 adults, 5 kids and 5 dogs!

The birthday cake was from COSTCO and was AWESOME! Our mom added a few nostalgic pictures to add to the occasion......

Bandit, me, my older sister (Cindy) and my best friend (Amanda).....

Sandy was in her usual spot....she LOVES her crate and lays in there a good portion of her time at home....especially when there are annoying adults, crazy kids and that silly puppy that keeps licking her ears....

Old Clayton taking a break and enjoying a nice paw rub from Kevin and my best friends little girl Madison....

Even the dogs got to enjoy in the festivities with a little extra treat of shredded cheese in their bowls!

My nephew Jakob... caught dancing in the dark!